Impact of teachers’ job satisfaction in academic achievement of the students in Assamese medium secondary schools of Kamrup district of Assam, India

Manju Chutia


The wheels of education system, schools play a pivotal role in shaping the life of an individual as well as in bringing about socio-economic and cultural changes and progress of society. The complexity of present social and economic life has made the role of school as well as the teachers even more significant. The most important and effective factor in any educational system is the teacher. It is the teacher who refines the instincts and modifies behaviour of students and makes them socially acceptable, inculcates values, inspires and develops capabilities to their fullest and best possible ways, so that they may be of best use to themselves and to the society, to the nation and to the mankind as a whole. The changing trend of educational system demands the competent teachers to cope up themselves with the new change in the horizon of knowledge, methods and techniques of teaching and proper use of technology in teaching and learning. The changing time and situation always demand to know the teachers’ job satisfaction level and the job satisfaction survey is the best way to investigate and analyze the various causes and factors of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the teachers towards their job environment. Present study tried to trace out the level of job satisfaction of the teachers and the academic achievement of the students in Assamese medium secondary schools of Kamrup district and the relationship between these two was also studied.


Job satisfaction, Academic achievement, Teachers, Assamese medium secondary schools

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Published by Centre for Environment, Education and Economic Development (CEEED), Assam.