Ethnic movement in North-East India and its affect in human security of the region

Violet Hazarika


India, more particularly the North-East India is a land of various ethnic and tribal groups. It has described as the cultural mosaic of diverse tribal communities, linguistics and ethnic identities. This very sensitive region has been in much debate prior to independence. It’s because of the ethnicity and extremism prevailed in this particular region. When we are talking about the increasing frequency of the ethnic movement in the region we see a gradual deepening of insurgency and identity questions on the part of the diverse ethnic groups inhabited here. The State’s response to the entire issue, in most of the times, the civil society organizations objected that, has converted a number of democratic movements into insurgency which results in political violence in the region. This eventually led a deficiency syndrome on the part of the state. The bigger question is that whether the state is really deficient or is working with a hidden agenda with resource exploitation is the top priority of the regime and people are not even the last component of the agenda. In most of the times the root of the ethnic identity movement could be traced to the colonial period, where the concept of Excluded area and partially Excluded Areas comes with the Act of 1935. The continuous wide spreading of these ethnic movements in the region raise the question of Human Security dimensions like food, education, cloth, shelter etc. This paper broadly tries to overlook the issue of ethnic movement and the eventual question of Human Security and ongoing military operations in NE India.


ethnic movement, insurgency, excluded area, partially excluded area, human security, military operation

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Published by Centre for Environment, Education and Economic Development (CEEED), Assam.